I´ve heard that many people says that choosing their
favorite food is difficult because thay aren´t sure or that i. Well i can says
its a easy decision for me, my favorite food is churrasco a lo pobre, but not
any, my favorite was the one preparated by my neighnor with her secret recipe.
I love cocking and i love wash the dishes too, i think it´s
the perfect convination and I don´t want to boast, but lasagna is my main
course, although I don´t like it. I rarely eat lunch at the university but when
that happens, I buy my lunch from street vendors and almost always as handrolls
or gohans.
I tried to think in my favorite restaurant and have to say i
dont know whats, maybe is Soler or La Ostia sangucheria, but they aren´t the
ones I prefer over others but they´re some of the best restaurants in which I´ve
eaten sanguches.
The truth is that I was between pizza and churasco a lo
pobre but on the 18th you have to be a patriot, right?
Well you know a little more of me, bye!
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